Tuesday, January 20, 2009
For Blue
Ok, this post is for Blue. As far as I know Blue is the only person that still checks this blog.
So I say hello to Blue and after 15 months I have finally updated.
So I say hello to Blue and after 15 months I have finally updated.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Baby Ava and Family
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Hello Everyone!
Well..................It's been awhile. Biggest item to note would be the birth of our second child on 9/25/2007. Ava Kay Slade 8lbs 21 inches long born at 12:57pm. Everyone is home and doing very well. I hope to have some pictures downloaded soon.
Friday, July 13, 2007
In Omaha, on vacation, it's allllll good. Going to the Zoo today, Lake tomorrow. I'm sooooo chill'in.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Week in Rewind
It's been a busy but good week. Here it is in Rewind.
Friday - New shoes purchased from the Runner's Flat. Nike Zoom's, not trail specific but very aggressive tread for a street shoe. They fit like a glove and I can't tell you how beneficial it was to watch myself run on the treadmill. You really see the difference in your foot strike in a particular shoe.
Saturday - 2-1/2 hours on the mountain bike with supa fast running freak Scott Gall. Scott and Sarah have started to focus on tri's, sweet! We found some new single track towards Evansdale, who would have thunk it?
Sunday - 60 min trail run in the Katoski Greenbelt. Good except I ran through some nasty weeds, more on that later. An hour after the run I noticed a flare up of a nagging injury. My heel cup on my right foot was killing me! It was caused from wearing broken down shoes too long, not because of the new ones. I have since been wearing the new shoes 24/7, they are broke in an my heel feels feel 95%. I'll run tomorrow am for 30min to make sure it is ok.
Sunday and Monday - My aunt, uncle, and 3 cousins were in town from Indiana on their way to Canada. Lots of outdoor games and food. Good times.
Tuesday - About 1-1/2 weeks ago I hit some nasty stuff at GW on the bike. My leg had a gross wound on it and it would not heal. I went to urgent care, what a joke! Doctor was prescribing meds before I had told the story or had the bandage off it. I had to tell him to chill and let me speak. He prescribed some steroids and it seems to be clearing up.
Wednesday - 4th of July. Up at 4:30am to head to George Wyth to set up for the 5k. Event went fan-freaking-tastic. 96 runners, best turnout yet for a CVA sponsored event. The CF Jaycees were very happy and want to have the event again next year. After that I headed to Dysart to meet the KT and Ainsley for some food and fireworks.
Thursday-today - Just been working away at the shop and home. Also getting ready for the next CVA event on July 28th. Working on a little project for a friend also, more on that to come.
That's all for me. Congrats to JK for really working hard for a win yesterday in Wisconsin.
Good luck to all that are taking on Cornman today. One of my favorite tri's! Good luck to Carlos at the Clear Lake road race.
Ed out!
Friday - New shoes purchased from the Runner's Flat. Nike Zoom's, not trail specific but very aggressive tread for a street shoe. They fit like a glove and I can't tell you how beneficial it was to watch myself run on the treadmill. You really see the difference in your foot strike in a particular shoe.
Saturday - 2-1/2 hours on the mountain bike with supa fast running freak Scott Gall. Scott and Sarah have started to focus on tri's, sweet! We found some new single track towards Evansdale, who would have thunk it?
Sunday - 60 min trail run in the Katoski Greenbelt. Good except I ran through some nasty weeds, more on that later. An hour after the run I noticed a flare up of a nagging injury. My heel cup on my right foot was killing me! It was caused from wearing broken down shoes too long, not because of the new ones. I have since been wearing the new shoes 24/7, they are broke in an my heel feels feel 95%. I'll run tomorrow am for 30min to make sure it is ok.
Sunday and Monday - My aunt, uncle, and 3 cousins were in town from Indiana on their way to Canada. Lots of outdoor games and food. Good times.
Tuesday - About 1-1/2 weeks ago I hit some nasty stuff at GW on the bike. My leg had a gross wound on it and it would not heal. I went to urgent care, what a joke! Doctor was prescribing meds before I had told the story or had the bandage off it. I had to tell him to chill and let me speak. He prescribed some steroids and it seems to be clearing up.
Wednesday - 4th of July. Up at 4:30am to head to George Wyth to set up for the 5k. Event went fan-freaking-tastic. 96 runners, best turnout yet for a CVA sponsored event. The CF Jaycees were very happy and want to have the event again next year. After that I headed to Dysart to meet the KT and Ainsley for some food and fireworks.
Thursday-today - Just been working away at the shop and home. Also getting ready for the next CVA event on July 28th. Working on a little project for a friend also, more on that to come.
That's all for me. Congrats to JK for really working hard for a win yesterday in Wisconsin.
Good luck to all that are taking on Cornman today. One of my favorite tri's! Good luck to Carlos at the Clear Lake road race.
Ed out!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Crazy cool
Where does the time go?
Really, it's been 20 days since I last updated!?! It's amazing how days turn to weeks that turn to months and on and on. Nothing all that great to report on. I have a new 1x7 commuter bike, it's fun. Shop is swamped, good for work, bad for play! Looking forward to a trip to Omaha on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of July. I need some time away. Katie's aunt and uncle have a cabin on nice no wake lake. It's a perfect place to relax, fall asleep on a floatie and wake up in the middle of the lake 2 hours later with a sunburn. Then on the "other side" there is a lake for the speed boats, her cousin has a speed boat. I offered up a hundred bucks in gas to go run that thing around for a few laps, good times.
Runner's Flat has the new Adiddas Trail Shoes in, SWEET! They are black, and light, and black and did I mention they are black? New kicks for Jeff!
Speaking of Black. I'm offering up a moisture management tech t as the participant gift for the Throw Down in the Dirt, Greenbelt 5k and 10k Challenge. What would you think of a black T with Happy running on the front in the HMM, CVA green color? Then print all the sponsors logos on the back in silver? Usually I hate Black T's in the summer but it is a Tech T and it is a trail run and CVA is a little on the rebellious side anyway. Whatever I do it will NOT be white!
I'll leave you with that, and a picture of the bike chain Blue needs.

Runner's Flat has the new Adiddas Trail Shoes in, SWEET! They are black, and light, and black and did I mention they are black? New kicks for Jeff!
Speaking of Black. I'm offering up a moisture management tech t as the participant gift for the Throw Down in the Dirt, Greenbelt 5k and 10k Challenge. What would you think of a black T with Happy running on the front in the HMM, CVA green color? Then print all the sponsors logos on the back in silver? Usually I hate Black T's in the summer but it is a Tech T and it is a trail run and CVA is a little on the rebellious side anyway. Whatever I do it will NOT be white!
I'll leave you with that, and a picture of the bike chain Blue needs.