Tuesday, June 20, 2006



Back to a blog entry after taking some time off from the computer. Let's see what's been going on.
After Ponca my legs felt like a million bucks! I have to give credit to Recover-ease for the spunky feeling. If you are not using this product you are missing out. I have never felt this good after a race, not to mention it was my first MTB marathon and I spent over 4 hours in the car after the race. The stuff just works!!!
Father's Day weekend was spent cross training. (read as: Jeff working in the back yard shoveling dirt and removing old rail road tie retaining wall) I also played basketball for a couple hours on Sunday night, good times.

I'm now getting into a pretty regular routine with my workouts which feels really good. Mon,Wed,Fri is running and lifting before work. Tues, Thurs AM is for the bike, and at 9:00 PM I hit the pool. During my first workout my 100 splits were the same time as most my race splits. It's nice to hop back in after a year and damn near be a race speed. Saturday's and Sunday's are for long runs and rides, or a brick workout.

Cornman Tri is just less than 3 weeks away and will be my first Tri of the year. This race always nips me at some point, usually on the run. I feel pretty good about it this year and I have a specific goal I hope to meet.

The weekend following Cornman is my favorite weekend of the year, the Iowa Games double. Tri in the morning and then MTB in the afternoon. Yea, all for $40!!!!! And I see they have a Single Speed class at the MTB, Sweet!!!!!!!

August holds one of my favorite races at the Big Creek Olympic tri ( I love olympic distance) and a new race for me this year the Dog Days Tri in Belmond, IA. They do the swim last at this one so that will be a bit different.

I almost forgot, this Sunday is the Sturgis Falls 1/2 Marathon and 5k. I will be riding the Hudson, Dike, CF loop and then running the 1/2. If anyone wants to join for the ride, run, or both let me know.

That's plenty of rambling for now.
Ed out!

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