Monday, October 25, 2004


OUCH!!! That Hurts! Why did I do that??

This morning that is exactly what I said as I rolled out of bed. My last race was a 1/2 Iron Man in mid August and I have done very, very little since. I really crashed during the 1/2 (a story for later) and I think that was my body saying to take some time off. Well, yesterday was the end off "off" and today equals the begining of Pain. I did a light weight lifting routine and ran 1.5miles yesterday morning before church. It felt really good while I was doing it (oops, that sounds like the start of a "how my wife got pregnate" story) nevermind...... As of now I'm thinking of writing the makers of Advil to see if they have a product that will re-attach my ass to my hamstrings. It will get better, it always does....... Tonight I will do a light spin for about 45min to help the blood flow.

That's all for now.

Yo! Yo! Yo!

Where are you lifting weights at? I need to find a place....YMCA, CF Rec., ect, so I can start my offseason here in mid November

Russian Rocket
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